Tips For How to Make Remote Meetings More Fun

Meetings, whether they’re in person or remote, can become very dull very quickly. There’s a reason there are many memes about boring meetings, after all. But for many industries meetings are the most practical way to touch base on a project, collaborate for planning, or review progress and are...

Fun Ideas for Remote Team Building

Are you looking for some fun virtual team building activities that will help bring your remote team together? There are many different options out there. While simply working together can help employees get to know each other, it’s just not quite the same as participating in non-work team building...

Team Building Event Tips: Choosing a Theme for Trivia

Thinking about doing a team trivia activity to bring your team together? With virtual trivia, your team doesn’t even have to be together in person. This makes it ideal for giving remote workers a chance to get to know each other. Before you can bring your team together, though,...