Building Professional Relationships with Virtual Events

Professional relationships can still be built and nurtured whether team members are working in person or remotely from home. Working from home does not mean working alone. Individual interactions in meetings keep the team environment together. This face time exchanged in meetings is the glue that holds team members...

Remote Team Games are Successful Learning Tools

One of the best ways to encourage team member engagement is by applying various applications of game play to the activity. Keeping team members engaged and having fun is one way to ensure your training will be a success. Most training programs and simulations in the workforce can be...

5 Benefits You Can Get Out of Virtual Team Building

Virtual team building has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more teams are working remotely. But do you know what it is? At its core, virtual team building is about developing relationships and creating an environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and problem-solving without the typical barriers...