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4 Factors to Consider When Planning the Perfect Icebreaker

An important element of the onboarding process is ensuring new employees build relationships with their colleagues. This includes both the practical side of training and a process of introducing them to the team, helping them to feel included and building trust. Interacting with each other helps to create a comfortable and productive atmosphere that allows new recruits to work effectively with their peers.

Icebreakers are a great way to help new and existing employees get more acquainted with each other. Through these activities, the atmosphere in the workplace lightens up, allowing for more open communication and collaboration. There are a number of icebreakers you can use for whatever kind of purpose, but essentially you need to keep these core factors in mind.

1) Objective-Centered

The aim of the icebreaker should be to achieve a certain objective, such as helping new employees get to know each other and become more comfortable in their new environment. The activity should be centered around a particular goal, and it should be easy to understand and follow.

Before you consider a game or activity, you have to ask yourself a few questions first. For instance, do you plan to use icebreakers to tackle project-related issues? Or do you have a different objective in mind, like inspiring people to come up with innovative ideas, or to focus on solving a particular problem?

2) Activity Flow

The activity should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning should introduce the activity to the participants and explain what the objective is. The middle should be the main part of the activity, where people interact with each other and complete the task. Finally, the end should be a time for reflection, where people can discuss their experiences and takeaways from the activity.

Aside from that, you need to consider participants and logistics. Decide who will be in charge of running the virtual icebreaker activities. It might be the same person each time, or you could rotate the responsibility. Also consider if this is something that will be done on a regular basis or as a one-off.

3) Venue and Equipment Needed

For a virtual icebreaker activity, you need to consider the venue and equipment. Depending on the activity, you may need to provide a virtual meeting platform (e.g. Zoom, Skype, etc.), as well as cameras, microphones, and any other equipment needed. 

You should also consider the size of the group and the amount of space required. If the group is large, you may need to use a larger meeting platform or break the group into smaller subgroups. You should also consider any technical limitations or requirements (e.g. software or hardware).

4) Clarity

Clarity is essential for any virtual icebreaker activity. You should make sure that everyone has the same expectations and understand the rules of the game. This can include providing clear instructions, setting a timeline, and creating a safe space for everyone to participate. 

Additionally, you should also provide any necessary resources or materials that participants may need to complete the activity.


Virtual icebreakers can be a great way to get people engaged and connected in an online setting. When planning a virtual icebreaker, it is important to consider the purpose, the group size and dynamics, the time available, and the technical requirements. With the right planning, virtual icebreakers can be a fun and effective way to get people connected.

If you’re looking for an engaging icebreaker that will entice even your quietest of employees to participate, BreakoutIQ has you covered. We offer a host of fun virtual team-building activities to facilitate better engagement in the workplace. Get in touch with us today to learn how.