There are a lot of factors that go into cultivating a thriving workforce culture. Your team might be rather large and looking to strengthen unity, or small and seeking to promote workplace harmony. Your employees may be partially or entirely distributed, and with more workers interested in increasing their...
Your conference room has been transformed into a mysterious escape room and you’re full of excitement for the puzzles that await you. Two cool nerds in bright blue shirts welcome you, start the clock, and set you on your way. After celebrating the winners and a job well done...
QuestIQ Goes Above And Beyond The Standard Scavenger Hunt Through thoughtful game design, QuestIQ engages your team from start to finish and leaves you feeling enriched. Time will fly by as you and your team tackle all sorts of challenges, simple and complex. You’ll bounce ideas off each other,...
Open Concept, Closed Minds Team building is taking the world by storm in an effort to foster relationships throughout a company. Bar trivia is an attractive and easy activity for your group, but lacks the problem solving challenges that are needed for an effective team building activity. BreakoutIQ has...
How Do We Learn? We learn in a myriad of different ways, and at BreakoutIQ we are most interested in experiential learning models. One influential model – Kolb’s learning cycle – describes effective learning as a person progressing through at least four stages. First there is a concrete experience....
Core Elements Of An Escape Room & How Breakout IQ Has Improved On The Industry Standard Escape rooms are physical adventure games in which players solve a connected series of puzzles while racing against the clock. Anything in the room can be a clue – everyday items like picture...
Huddled Together, Heads Down, Whispers Rampant. This isn’t a football game but it’s just as competitive. What movie won an Academy Award for Best Picture in 1998? Ashley knows! Titanic came out the year she got her braces on and started the 7th grade. Boom! Your team whispers excitedly...
Remember When Problem-Solving Was Play? What factors caused last quarters’ financial downturn? Who’s bringing what to your work anniversary potluck? How many vacation days do I have left again? Often as adults, our minds are churning out solutions to mundane problems of various shapes and sizes all day long....
Time For Some Sun and Games Clocks ticking. Keyboards tap, tap, tapping away. The droning on of yet another meeting. The processed air of the air conditioner wafts over your skin, giving you a brief chill. And then an alert pops up signaling the start of a new portion...
You Enter Your Conference Room and It’s Been Transformed… Puzzles and props are scattered throughout the space. A host hands you a badge and promptly begins to explain your mission. You look around, moving toward the teammates that will be part of your journey. The clock is ticking and...