Keep Your Team Engaged with These Virtual Coffee Break Ideas
As remote work becomes more prevalent, virtual coffee breaks allow teams to stay connected and engaged despite working from different locations. These breaks provide a chance for team members to chat about non-work-related topics and build personal relationships that help to create a sense of community.
Here are some ideas and topics to consider for your team’s next virtual coffee break:
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1. Show and Tell
Remember the days in elementary school when you would bring something special from home to show the class? This idea can easily be adapted to your virtual coffee break. Each team member can take a turn sharing something unique or interesting about themselves or their work environment. This is a great way to learn more about your team members and find common interests.
2. Trivia
Who doesn’t love a good trivia game? You can either create your own trivia questions or use a pre-made game. This is a fun way to bring some healthy competition to your virtual coffee break and to test your team’s knowledge on a variety of topics.
3. Virtual Tours
Have you ever wanted to visit a museum or see a famous landmark? With virtual tours, you can do just that. Take a virtual tour of a famous museum, explore a national park, or even visit a city you’ve always wanted to see. You and your team can learn something new and experience a different place from the comfort of your own home. Plus, it’s a fun way to bond with your team as you explore together.
4. Book Club
Reading is a great way to escape reality and learn something new. Start a virtual book club with your team and choose a book to read together. Set a monthly virtual discussion date where you can share your thoughts and opinions on the book.
5. Cooking Challenge
Even if you and your team can’t be in the same kitchen, you can still have a cooking challenge together. Pick a recipe everyone can make and set a date to cook and share their creations. You can even have a competition to see who made the best dish!
6. Mindfulness Exercises
Working remotely can be stressful at times, so incorporating mindfulness exercises into your virtual team-building activities can help everyone relax and recharge, especially after a long week. You can lead a guided meditation session, practice deep breathing exercises together, or even do some gentle yoga poses.
7. DIY Projects
Encourage your team to get creative and work on a DIY project together. This could be anything from making homemade soap to building a birdhouse. Share instructions and materials needed beforehand and set a date for everyone to showcase their finished project. Doing so promotes teamwork and allows for personal expression and creativity.
8. Industry Trends
If you work in a constantly evolving industry, discussing current and upcoming trends can be beneficial. This can help your team stay informed and ahead of the curve. Assign team members to research and present on a specific trend and encourage open discussion about how it may impact your work or industry as a whole.
9. Pet Show and Tell
Many people love their pets and enjoy sharing stories and pictures of them. Encourage your team to bring their pets to a virtual or in-person meeting and have a pet show and tell. This activity can help your team bond over a shared love for animals and provide a fun and lighthearted break from work-related discussions.
10. Virtual Happy Hour
Since many team members may be working remotely or from different locations, a virtual happy hour can be a great way to bring everyone together and socialize outside of work. Set up a video call and encourage team members to bring their own drinks and snacks. You can play games, share stories, or chat and catch up with each other.
Final Thoughts
Virtual coffee breaks help maintain connection and engagement within your emote team. They not only offer a chance to build personal relationships but also foster a sense of community. By implementing all the ideas and topics mentioned earlier, you can make your virtual coffee breaks more fun, interesting, and engaging.
At BreakoutIQ, we understand the importance of team building and connection, especially in a remote work environment. That’s why we offer fun virtual team-building activities that are engaging and designed to bring your team closer together. Contact us today to learn more!